Monday, March 24, 2008

Generation Apathy

My generation comes off as not caring. We love technology, we hate authority, we don't respect our elders, and we hardly understand the direction we're walking in.

I think this can change, but it is my impression that currently, my generation is blindly following the leaders that we've always known we don't agree with.

The war in Iraq is a perfect example. Our country has been split into supporters and ignorers. Supporters of the War enlist, raise flags in pride, and put political support behind the politicians who they believe will thoroughly 'handle' the situation, no matter how many deaths it may take. The ignorers are the people who don't believe in the war, they have stickers that say "Bring our troops home" but that's as far as they're willing to fight for the cause. They're so caught up in the consumer culture of our time, that they don't even realize that they're SUPPORTING the industries that are responsible for the war. They put little effort into understanding what they back simply by supporting them with their dollar.

There has been much talk of 2012 being the end of the world as we know it. Many 2012 enthusiasts view this as an apocolyptic deadline of our time, but in my mind this is a fast approaching date of a change to civilization and an alteration of 'leaders' and 'power'.

My generation can fix it's reputation simply by educating itself and understanding the complexities of the system in question. Who is supporting who and how is that effecting our livelihoods?

I have faith that we will get off our butts, shut our televisions off, and reclaim our spiritual rights as living creatures to love each other equally, openly, and without threat to our worlds sustainability.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Atomic Structure

I've decided (and you would be hard pressed to change my mind) that I understand the concept of who we are and what we're doing.

Largely due to Democritus' discovery of the "smallest particle" the atom (We now, of course know there are sub-atomic particles...but lets just go with it for now)I have come to understand that we are each atoms. Our thoughts are our electrons orbiting around us...

When we speak to each other...friends, acquaintances, strangers...we share our electrons and the bond becomes stronger depending on how receptive the other atom is to the electrons we offer...

The only question now, is what do we make when we strengthen our bonds? A whole new entity?

If this is the case, I do hope it's created before 12/21/12 and that we simply become immobile and BLAST (simultaneously) into space.


I'm counting down the seconds until HOOPLA this weekend! I'm FINALLY making my own hoop. I have made my own hoop before, but this time I'll be using the properly weighted materials, so I expect it will be a more successful endeavor.

Hooping is so awesome! I wish I was better at it, but as with everything...practice makes perfect. It's this darn time situation...I can use it up but I can't create it. What gives?

If you're not hip to the hooping fanaticism spreading throughout Boston (and other hip cities) you should check out theBoston Hoop Troopweb site. Everyone involved is beautifully amazing.

This Sunday, March 9th is the first HOOPLA! an all day hooping event. I can't wait. I've taught myself ONE trick, and this is my opportunity to strut my stuff and show it off to all of my friends. :p EXCITING!


All of this talk about fast food has got me on an enormous health kick.

I'm trying (moderately failingly...but still trying) to quit smoking cigarettes. I'm in this silly habit of "bumming" them off of strangers and friends. Neglecting to BUY a pack makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

I FINALLY found the time to go grocery shopping, meaning this week the only food that has entered my body NOT prepared by me was two slices of pizza and two buffalo chicken wings that my roommate offered me last night.

I'm working on eliminating dairy and dairy products.

It's a slow process, but it's amazing how one day of eating fresh produce and preparing your own meals can raise your spirits in the most beautiful way.

Now...I just need to factor in some time for exercise...

One thing at a time.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Fast Food Memory

I remember on EVERY school trip off island the first question out of every kids mouth was "Where are we going to eat?" The chaperon's would stand at the front of the bus and call out, "McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's" and tally the votes to come to a destination in a fair manner.

Burger King and McDonald's were most popular. Burger King had crowns that we could wear around all day if we wanted and McDonald's had play houses. A lot of the students didn't even LIKE the food here, but wanted to go for these amenities.

The toys in the Happy Meals/ Kids Meals! It wasn't until about fourth or fifth grade that we discovered we could REQUEST the toy we wanted and if the employee was feeling nice that day they'd give it to us!

I'm thankful that the island community looked down on fast food chains, and corporations. Growing up the only fast food chains we had were one single Subway and one Dairy Queen and a few A & P's. The Subway only lasted a few years, closing because of health code violations, and I believe the Dairy Queen just closed last year because their lease was up. A&P of course was bought out by Stop & Shop a few years ago, and now all locations are sarcastically referred to as "Stop & P"'s.

One thing I hated about Stop & Shop taking over the A & P's was that although the A & P was a corporation, it was island managed and run. When Stop & Shop moved in they started importing employees (and providing them with housing!) which took away jobs from the locals.

Today I try to be more aware of what I'm supporting and what the physical/psychological repercussions can be.

Friday, February 8, 2008


My friend introduced me to this coolsite. By clicking on the links it donates money to various charities (similar to the idea on blogger that some of the students were getting excited about). It donates a very small amount with each click, but this is the interwebs, and we can spread information fast and far.

A thought passed through my head while I was clicking on the breast cancer page. Cancer charities. Why don't all of the cancer charities unite to start working against harmful chemicals known to cause cancer? You know, like those chemicals in our clothing and our foods and leeching into our water supplies?

When a computer gets broken down, do you know where the parts go? China. That's where they leech out their cancer causing chemicals. But who cares? Right, it's just China.

Carelessness and inefficiency needs to be reconciled with, there is no excuse for our illogical actions and inability to coexist.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Born to Burn

Last night I completed my Low-Income Ticket Application for Burning Man 2008, themed “the American Dream”.

Excitement shot through me, I knew this was one of my better pieces and would likely be my ticket through the gates into Black Rock City.

A common misconception of those out of the loop is that Burning Man is just a giant party in the desert. There are so many more qualities to Burning Man than its musically potent energy exchange commonly referred to as ‘partying’.

First and foremost BRC is constructed and maintained for six days in the desert of Nevada. Burners come from all over the world to participate in a self-sustaining community of art, love, and radical self reliance.

Radical self reliance means exactly what it sounds like. Every individual participant is expected to be able to nourish, shelter, and provide for themselves anything they will need for their six day stay in the desert. The city is set up like a sun dial, with ‘the man’ (a wooden constructed structure of the Burning Man symbol, scheduled to burn Saturday night) in the center, arms outstretched representing two and ten o’clock. All navigation through BRC is based on time references.

The most exciting aspect of the Burning Man experience is the gifting economy. Money is of no value in BRC. “Gifting” is the act of giving gifts with no expectations of a reciprocation of a gift. It is a selfless act intended to spread love and friendship.

Participation is highly encouraged in BRC. In fact, those who go for the ‘party in the desert’ and the ‘free drugs’ are often referred to as the ‘tourists’ of BRC, because they’re not getting the true Burning Man experience. Burning Man is about building a community and functioning in a self-sustaining way. Everyone has to pull their own weight.

Burning Man is a LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. The only festivals I have ever been to have been Leave No Trace. What goes up will come down and you are expected as a participant to be aware of your surroundings at all times and understand the impact that you have on the environment around you. MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) is highly discouraged. It’s not so much about cleaning up after yourself as it is about not making a mess to begin with.

I had felt as the New Year came upon us that this was my year to go to Burning Man. Having my first English Assignment themed the same as this year’s burn? That just validated my suspicion that I am meant to be amongst some of the most brilliant minds of our world today.

BRC, I hope you’re ready for me!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Explanation of blog title

The future of our past is my personal slogan for 2008. I remember in 1995 thinking about what the “future” would look like, and in my future the year was 2000 and cars didn’t require steering wheels (I thought technology was going to move much faster in certain directions than it actually did.)

2000 came and went and we still manually steer our vehicles. Here we are in the year that I feel will make or break our country. What will this election show us about our government? That it’s for the people by the people, or that it’s for the corporations by the corporations?

I wonder how many people in 2008 will take personal responsibility for their buying power. How many people will choose to buy the $90 sweater that was handmade by an avid stich ‘n’ bitcher over the $10 sweater put together by the over-worked, under paid labor of an over-seas (likely minor) sweatshop worker? Will we see a change in our actions? Our beliefs? Will we demand action from our government? (cease of action in some cases)

Will someone PLEASE inform the war mongers that killing insures more killing?!

It burns my soul to hear peers of mine—people whom I still consider children—justifying the actions of our government. I look around my classrooms and I wonder how many of them have lost loved ones to this remarkably ridiculous war effort. How many of them have friends in Iraq…

It’s hard to be angry about something you know so little about. I’m not a hugely political person. I’m modest in my involvement with the government. I know, however, when something is incorrect… I should not be living in fear of my government and its actions. is a pretty cool website. Basically, users can post news articles from any reputable news network along with their comments on the presentation of the subject at hand. I remember early ’07 reading an article about refurbishing inactive military bases around the country to make more jails; we don’t have enough jails.

Thus began the fear. Why do we need more jails? Multiple jails…throughout the country…with 50,000 person capacities? That sounds extreme (thinking about it, I wonder if the actual figure was 5,000 but, regardless) who will fill those jails? My guess…the little people…the poor people…the minorities…the activists that touch a little too close to the problems at hand. It makes me think of Hitler and internment camps.

I’ve gotten grossly off point, or neglected to ever get on point…

We have to look at what has happened and reflect on what is happening. So, in 2008 I want to learn as much as I can about our History as humans as a whole and thus get a better understanding of where we are and how we define where we are headed.