Monday, March 24, 2008

Generation Apathy

My generation comes off as not caring. We love technology, we hate authority, we don't respect our elders, and we hardly understand the direction we're walking in.

I think this can change, but it is my impression that currently, my generation is blindly following the leaders that we've always known we don't agree with.

The war in Iraq is a perfect example. Our country has been split into supporters and ignorers. Supporters of the War enlist, raise flags in pride, and put political support behind the politicians who they believe will thoroughly 'handle' the situation, no matter how many deaths it may take. The ignorers are the people who don't believe in the war, they have stickers that say "Bring our troops home" but that's as far as they're willing to fight for the cause. They're so caught up in the consumer culture of our time, that they don't even realize that they're SUPPORTING the industries that are responsible for the war. They put little effort into understanding what they back simply by supporting them with their dollar.

There has been much talk of 2012 being the end of the world as we know it. Many 2012 enthusiasts view this as an apocolyptic deadline of our time, but in my mind this is a fast approaching date of a change to civilization and an alteration of 'leaders' and 'power'.

My generation can fix it's reputation simply by educating itself and understanding the complexities of the system in question. Who is supporting who and how is that effecting our livelihoods?

I have faith that we will get off our butts, shut our televisions off, and reclaim our spiritual rights as living creatures to love each other equally, openly, and without threat to our worlds sustainability.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Atomic Structure

I've decided (and you would be hard pressed to change my mind) that I understand the concept of who we are and what we're doing.

Largely due to Democritus' discovery of the "smallest particle" the atom (We now, of course know there are sub-atomic particles...but lets just go with it for now)I have come to understand that we are each atoms. Our thoughts are our electrons orbiting around us...

When we speak to each other...friends, acquaintances, strangers...we share our electrons and the bond becomes stronger depending on how receptive the other atom is to the electrons we offer...

The only question now, is what do we make when we strengthen our bonds? A whole new entity?

If this is the case, I do hope it's created before 12/21/12 and that we simply become immobile and BLAST (simultaneously) into space.


I'm counting down the seconds until HOOPLA this weekend! I'm FINALLY making my own hoop. I have made my own hoop before, but this time I'll be using the properly weighted materials, so I expect it will be a more successful endeavor.

Hooping is so awesome! I wish I was better at it, but as with everything...practice makes perfect. It's this darn time situation...I can use it up but I can't create it. What gives?

If you're not hip to the hooping fanaticism spreading throughout Boston (and other hip cities) you should check out theBoston Hoop Troopweb site. Everyone involved is beautifully amazing.

This Sunday, March 9th is the first HOOPLA! an all day hooping event. I can't wait. I've taught myself ONE trick, and this is my opportunity to strut my stuff and show it off to all of my friends. :p EXCITING!


All of this talk about fast food has got me on an enormous health kick.

I'm trying (moderately failingly...but still trying) to quit smoking cigarettes. I'm in this silly habit of "bumming" them off of strangers and friends. Neglecting to BUY a pack makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

I FINALLY found the time to go grocery shopping, meaning this week the only food that has entered my body NOT prepared by me was two slices of pizza and two buffalo chicken wings that my roommate offered me last night.

I'm working on eliminating dairy and dairy products.

It's a slow process, but it's amazing how one day of eating fresh produce and preparing your own meals can raise your spirits in the most beautiful way.

Now...I just need to factor in some time for exercise...

One thing at a time.